
Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Bid’aa Concept in Islam – What is Bid’aa? Hadees on Bid’aa

Bid’aa (Innovation in Islam) 
Bid‘ah refers to any innovations in religious matters. Linguistically the term means “innovation, novelty, heretical doctrine, heresy”. In contrast to the English term “innovation”, the word bid’ah in Arabic generally carries a negative connotation, but it can also have positive implications. It has also been used in classical Arabic literature (adab) as a form of praise for outstanding compositions of prose and poetry.
Any innovations in worldly matters – such as science, medicine and technology – are generally acceptable and encouraged; but bid’ah within the religious practice is generally considered a sin.
Hadees About Bid’aa
Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim write that there was some companions talking and the Prophet was listening. One of them said: ‘I will make prayers (Salaah) all night long.’ The second said: ‘I will fast (sawm) all the time.’ The third said: ‘I will never marry.’ When our Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace heard them say this he said: ‘I am the most God conscious of Allah (Ta`ala) than any of you. I pray (Salaah,) I fast (sawm) as well, and I do marry woman too. And who so turns his face from my Sunnah, cannot be of my Ummah’.
[Mishkat Muslim, Bukhari chapter Ihtisam]
RasoolAllah [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] stated: “On the Day of Judgement, some people will come to me when I will be standing by Haudh-e-Kauser (Well). They will be grabbed and taken towards the Hellfire. I shall say: “These are my people” but in reply I will be told: “These are the people who introduced innovations after you, so they are unbelievers.”
[Bukhari & Muslim, Kitaab-ul-Haudh]
A person once sent salaam to Abdullah Ibn Umar radhiAllahu anhu who replied: I do not accept his salaam, as this person has innovated by becoming Qadriyyah (A sect which does not believe in destiny) [Mistake, Kitaab-ul-Iman wa-al-Qadr, transmitted by Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah]
The above narration emphasises the fact that Bid’ah is to hold such an Aqeedah which is in direct opposition to the Qur’an and Sunnah.
RasoolAllah [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] stated: “Every innovation leads astray and every creator of the astray goes in the Fire.”
[Muslim chapter Al-jumah]
An example of this Bid’ah is given by Hafidhh Ibn Al-Qayyim who writes: ‘The one who denies the punishment of the grave is an innovater’.
[Kitaab-ur-Rooh chap10]

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