
Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Dua – Islamic Duas Every Muslim Must Memorize and Recite Daily

Importance of Dua in Islam:
Dua is an act of supplication. The term is derived from an Arabic word meaning to ‘call out’ or to ‘summon’, and Muslims regard this as a profound act of worship. The Islamic prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is reported to have said “Dua is the very essence of worship,” while one of God’s commands expressed through the Quran is for them to call out to Him:
    And your Lord says: “Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer):
    —Quran, sura 40 (Ghafir), ayah 60
Salat Holy Du’a:
Holy dua
The salat is the obligatory prayer recited five times a day. Salat is read in the Arabic language. Ayat & Hadith About Namaz and Dua’s in Urdu
When In Anger:
In the stressful and highly competitive life of today, the one issue that almost every one of us faces pertaining to our conduct is anger. Everyone of us undergoes anger at one point or another during the day. The anger of ours leads to clouding our judgment and the consequent decisions we make end up hurting someone or making a decision that is a total loss. Therefore, for everyone in general and Muslims in particular, it is imperative to avoid anger, and one of the best way of doing so can be by reciting Dua. Pertaining to Dua for avoiding and controlling anger, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told of the Dua in one of His hadith in the following way:
“If a person reads (this) when he is angry, then his anger shall go away.
اَعُوْذُ بِاللهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيْمِ
Transliteration – “A’oozu Bil’laahi Minash Shaitaanir Rajeem”
Translation- “I seek refuge in Al’laah from Shaitaan the cursed” [Tirmizi Shareef Vol.2 Pg.183].
  Before And After Meal:
Muslim life style
Another important and regular activity done in daily routine is taking of meal. The provision of meals during the day is one of the greatest blessings of Allah Almighty and for such blessing a Muslim ought to be thankful to Allah the Merciful. When it comes to Dua pertaining to meals, there is a Dua that a Muslim must recite before the meal and a Dua which must be recited after the meal. The Duas to recite in this regard are as follows:
Dua before the meal is:
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
Transliteration – “Bismil laahir Rahmaanir Raheem”
Translation – “Al’laah’s Name we begin with, The Compassionate, Most Merciful.”
When finished with eating, a Muslim must recite the following Dua:
اَ لْحَمْدُ للهِ الَّذِىْ اَطْعَمَنَا وَسَقَاناَ وَجَعَلَناَ مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِيْنَ
Transliteration – “Alhumdu lil laahil Lazee At’amana Wa Saqaana Wa Ja’alana Minal Muslimeen”.
Translation – “All Praise is due to Al’laah, who has blessed us with food and drink and made us from amongst the Believers (Muslims)”. [Abu Dawood Pg.573]
 Entering And Exiting Masjid:
Another regular activity that Muslims perform on daily basis is going to Masjid for prayers five times a day. Islam has put great stress on five times a day prayers in general and saying the prayers in the mosque in particular. Therefore, a practicing Muslim enters and exits a mosques five times a day where he submits to Allah Almighty and indulges in His prayer. Therefore, it is imperative that a Muslim knows and understands the importance of being in the mosque and recites particular Duas on respective actions.
Dua before entering the mosque is:
اللّهُـمَّ افْتَـحْ لي أَبْوابَ رَحْمَتـِك
Transliteration – “Allaahum-maf-Tahlee Abwaaba Rahmatika”.
Translation – “O Allaah, open the doors of Your Mercy for me.” [Sahi’h Muslim]
After prayer when a person exits Masjid, the following Dua should be recited:
اللّهُـمَّ إِنّـي أَسْأَلُكَ مِـنْ فَضْـلِك
Transliteration – “Allaahum-ma In-nee As`aluka Min Fadhlika”.
Translation – “O Allaah, I seek of You Your Grace.” [Sahi’h Muslim]
 When Sneezing:
 When Sneezing
After a sneeze is also a blessing of Allah Almighty and a Muslim ought to say thanks for it. Moreover, besides the person who sneezes, the other person who witnesses the sneeze must also respond to the Dua made by the sneezer. The person who sneezes must recite the following Dua:
 الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ
Transliteration – “Alhamdulillah”!
Translation – “Thanks and all praise be to Allah”
The person who listens to the sneeze and witnesses the other person reciting the Dua after sneezing, should say the following:
 يَرْحَمُكَ اللَّهُ
Transliteration – “Yar Hamoo kall Lah”.
Translation – “May Allah have mercy on you.” [Bukhari ,Mishkaat Shareef Pg.405]
 Entering And Leaving Home:
Islamic home
Home is the base of a person from which a person exits to search and earn the blessings of Allah Almighty and it is a place where after the long day a person returns and shares those blessings with the family members. Therefore, it is imperative that a Muslim realizes the importance of leaving the home and then entering it.
“The Noble Prophet (Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallam) said, whoso ever recites this dua before leaving his home, all his difficulties will go away and he shall be protected from the mischief of his enemies and shaitaan will stay away from him:
بِسْمِ اللهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ عَلىَ اللهِ وَلاَ حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ اِلاَّ بِاللهِ ط
Transliteration – “Bismil laahi Tawak’kaltu Alal laahi Wa Laa Hawla Wa Laa Quw’wata il’la bil’laah“
Translation – “Al’laah’s Name we begin with, I place my (full) trust in Al’laah and there is no Might and Power except with Al’laah.” [Tirmizi Shareef Vol.2 Pg.180]
When entering home, a Muslim must recite the following Dua:
بِسْـمِ اللهِ وَلَجْنـا، وَبِسْـمِ اللهِ خَـرَجْنـا، وَعَلـى رَبِّنـا تَوَكّلْـنا
Transliteration – “Bismillaahi walajnaa, wa bismillaahi kharajnaa, wa ‘alaaRabblnaa tawakkalnaa”
Translation – “In the Name of Allah we enter, in the Name of Allah we leave, and upon our Lord we depend [then say As-Salaamu ‘Alaykum to those present].” [Abu Dau’d]
When Feeling Stressed:
Feeling Stressed
Due to all the competition and hard struggle during the day, it is quite natural that people become stressed. It is this stress that sometimes takes the shape of anger while in other times it causes depression, both of which are not favorable, hence it is imperative that a Muslim keeps control when under stress of pressure.  Pertaining to facing any discomfort or being unhappy about something, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to recite the following Dua:
لآَ اِلَهَ اِلاَّ اللهُ الْحَلِيْمُ الْحَكِيْمُ لآَ اِلَهَ اِلاَّ اللهُ رَبُّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيْم
لآَ اِلَهَ اِلاَّ اللهُ رَبُّ السَّمَاوَاتَ وَاْلاَرْضِ وَرَبُّ الْعَرْشِ الْكَرِيْمِ ط
Transliteration – “Laa ilaaha il’lal laahul Haleemul Hakeemu – Laa ilaaha il’lal laahu Rab’bul Arshil Azeem – Laa ilaaha il’lal laahu Rab’bus Samawaati wal Ardi wa Rab’bul Arshil Kareem”.
Translation – “There is none worthy of worship except Al’laah, The Fore-bearing, The All Wise. There is none worthy of worship except Al’laah, The Lord of the Exalted Throne. There is none worthy of worship except Al’laah, The Lord of the Skies and The Lord of the Earth and the Lord of the distinguished Throne”. [Tirmidhi Vol.2 Pg. 181]
While Traveling:
Traveling is also an activity, which people undertake on daily basis. No matter how small a distance is or whatever means of traveling is to be adopted, there is always a concern of safety with traveling. Therefore, it is imperative that a person asks for the protection and safety of Allah Almighty.
سُبْحَنَ الَّذِىْ سَخَّرَلَنَا هَذَا وَ مَا كُنَّا لَهُ مُقْرِنِيْنْ وَ اِنَّا اِلَى رَبِّنَا لَمُنْقَلِبُوْنْ
Transliteration -“Subhaanal lazee Sakh’khara Lana Haaza Wa Maa Kun’na Lahu Muqrineen. Wa In’na ilaa Rab’bina La Munqaliboon”.
Translation –  “Glory be to Al’laah who has given us control over this (mode of transport) and without his Grace we would not have been able to control it and undoubtedly we are to return towards our Lord.” [Tirmizi, Abu Dawood]
 Dua Before Sleeping:
اللهم بسمك اموت واحيا
“Allahumma bismika amuutu wa ahyaa”.
O Allah (SWT)! With your name I die and I live.
Dua After Wakind Up:
الْحَمْدُ للهِ الَّذِي أَحْيَانَا بَعْدَ مَا أَمَاتَنَا وَإِلَيْهِ النُّشُورُ
“Alhamdulillaahillazi ahyaanaa ba’da maa amaata-naa wa ilaihinnushuur”.
All praise to Allah (SWT), Who revived us to life after givening us death, and to him we shall have to return.
 Dua When Entering the Toilet:
بِسْمِ اللهِ اَللّهُمَّ إِنِّيْ أَعُوْذُ بِكَ مِنَ الخبُثِ وَ الخَبَائِثِ
In the name of Allah, O Allah, I seek your protection from male and female devils.
Dua When Leaving the Toilet:
غُفْرَانَكَ اَلْحَمْدُ لِللَّهِ الَّذِيْ أَذْهَبَ عَنِّيْ الأَذّىَ وَ عَافَانِيْ
O Allah. I seek your forgiveness. All praises are due to Allah who has taken away from me the discomfort and granted me comfort.

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